One of the biggest steps to a new beginning is to reveal the company's new Identity and Entity that suits our vision for a company that seeks success. To switch from Gheena Contracting and heavy Equipment Establishment to Gheena Contracting Company Ltd for an Identity that is suitable for the Vision of 2030.
In addition, the new identity of the entity comes with a change of branding. GCC has adapted the Green, Brown and Gold way color which represents Saudi Arabia and the Oil & Gas industry
مقالة مميزة حول الهوية الجديدة للكيان! من المؤكد أن هذه التغييرات ستساهم في نمو الشركة وتطورها. للاطلاع على المزيد حول بنية السحابة، يمكنكم زيارة <a href="">Telkom University Jakarta</a>.